
{:en}Not only must businesses grapple with the coronavirus pandemic but many will soon have to once again wrestle with the UK’s decision to leave the EU, with difficult decisions having to be made over the sourcing of talent. From Personnel Today


The UK needs to consider changes to asylum laws to deter migrants from crossing the English Channel, Boris Johnson has said. The prime minister said it was currently “very, very difficult” to legally return people who arrive in the UK from France using small boats. From BBC


Boris Johnson is losing the trust of the public to deliver important trade deals with countries after he promised to obtain advantageous post-Brexit agreements. From Express


Refugee rights under threat from Channel boats hysteria – and Brexit. From Free Movement


UK and France working on new plan to shut Channel migrant route. From Reuters

2 thoughts on “LEGAL MINUTE: Brexit and immigration”

  1. Eu fiz a minha residência definitiva ano passado, e a residência vence ano que vem, resumindo ela tem duração de 1 ano , porque será ? É por causa do brexit? Eu já apliquei para o status, e diz que eu posso viver e trabalhar e ter o mesmo direitos de um britânico , qual é sua opinião? Obrigado pela atenção….

    1. Olá Benica, nossos consultores podem te orientar corretamente sobre sua situação específica. Enviaremos um email com informações de como podemos ajduar. Obrigado!

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